Kvöldstund um Harald harðráða
3. ágúst 2022

Kvöldstund um Harald harðráða

Bókhlaða Snorrastofu

Miðvikudaginn 3. ágúst kl. 20 býður Snorrastofa upp á dagskrá um Harald harðráða Sigurðarson í bókhlöðu Snorrastofu. Fyrirlesarar eru tveir, Gianluca Raccagni og James Cave.

Fyrirlestur Raccagni hefur yfirskriftina „Snorri Sturluson, Harald Hardrada, and his Mediterranean Adventures on the Eve of the Crusades“ og fyrirlestur Cave: „'Saga Soundscapes': recreating the world of the sagas through sound, music and performance“.

Dagskráin er öllum opin og er aðgangur ókeypis.

Dr. Raccagni er kennari í sagnfræði miðalda við Háskólann í Edinborg, Skotlandi og Dr. Cave er tónskáld, söngvari og fræðimaður við Háskólann í York á Englandi.

Nánar um fyrirlestur dr. Gianluca Raccagni:

This lecture illustrates preliminary thoughts on a forthcoming international collaborative project that aims to explore the Mediterranean on the eve of the crusades through the case study of an outsider, the Norwegian-born Harald Hardrada. Harald is mainly known for his death at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066, which was a prelude to the conquest of England by William the Conqueror. Yet Harald spent his formative years in the Mediterranean in the 1030s, joining the famous Varangian Guard of Byzantium, and visiting most of that empire, from Anatolia to Holy Land, the Aegan, and Southern Italy. This project aims to bring that portion of his remarkable life to light, and the works by Snorri Sturluson are the main sources on it.


Dr. Gianluca Raccagni is Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at the University of Edinburgh. He graduated at the University of Bologna and pursued postgraduate studies to the University of Cambridge, where he subsequently held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship. He then joined the University of Edinburgh after a brief spell as Canon Foundation Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo.


Nánar um fyrirlestur dr. James Cave:

 This presentation considers how sound-art, music and performance techniques can be used to recreate the original performance conditions of the Icelandic sagas, with particular reference to King Harald's saga. I will address the relationship between artistic practice and historical research, and will provide a live demonstration of some sound-art and performance techniques.

 Dr James Cave is a composer, singer and researcher based in York. He combines practice-based research focussing on composition and performance with academic enquiries into historical cultural and organisational practices. His compositions have been performed across Europe and in the US and Canada, and have been released commercially. He has been a Composer in Residence at the Mahler and Lewitt Studios, Italy, and at the Banff Centre, Canada, and won 'Best Use of Sound' at ICAD 2017. He is Lecturer in Culture and Organisation at the School for Business and Society, University of York. 


Opnunartímar skrifstofu Snorrastofu og Bókhlöðu

Virka daga 10:00–17:00

Opnunartímar Gestastofu

1.maí - 31.ágúst:
Alla daga 10:00 - 17:00

1.sept - 30.apríl:
Virka daga 10:00 - 17:00
Á öðrum tímum eftir samkomulagi.